Grasshill Horizon Nightlife

Nightlife is co-owed with our friends at Grasshill. We feel fortunate to have this buck here at Givernay. Nightlife has a deep pedigree with lots of proven animals for both type and production. I was looking for a buck who was slightly different but incorporated some family lines we’ve used here and found to work well, Nightlife is that buck! He’s got tremendous dairy strength, in particular his bone quality and smoothness of blending. He’s strong in general appearance as well, which isn’t surprising as his dam is similar in that regard. It’s possible that Nightlife could be carrying 1 or 2 alpha casein alleles (testing to be done this spring). We are expecting Nightlife to add more dairy strength here, maintain and enhance general appearance and mammary systems and lastly (but not least) continue to add more milk. A big thank-you to Grasshill for this great buck! Pictured is Nightlife’s dam, Nocturne.
SS: Grasshill Summit Sentinel *S VG87
Sire: Grasshill Sentinel Horizon *S
SD: Grasshill Xmas Holly *P VG89
DS: Grasshill Buckaroo Discovery *S EX93
Dam: Grasshill Discovery Nocturne
DD: Grasshill Sheik Nectarine *P VG87