Givernay Café Breva 5*P EX90

Saanen Dairy Goat
2022 Breeding
Breva will be bred to Grasshill Navigator Disco *S for March/April 2023 kids.
Breva is a beautiful doe who boasts many strengths in general appearance. We love her gorgeous wide, flat rump and correct feet and legs. Her mammary system is one of our favorites, her rear udder is high and wide with deep lateral attachment that extends down her leg. Her fore udder is wide and smoothly blended.
3-10-173-946-2.9%-3.3%- in progress-projection: 1383
Date Of Birth: May 13th, 2018
SS: Grasshill Sheik Warranty *S VG88
Sire: Grasshill Warranty Navarre *S
SD: Grasshill Paramount Naturelle *P EX90
DS: Rocky-Run LCDRL Cavalier *S EX94
Dam: Givernay Café Valenza 4*P EX90
DD: GCH Givernay Valencia 3*P 2EX91