GCH Givernay Vega Original 4*P VG87 1-05

Saanen Dairy Goat
2018 Breeding
Vega has been bred to Grasshill Cheque Nevada for March 2019 kids
Vega’s claim to fame is her fantastic mammary system, it’s a hard one to miss in our barn. Her udder is high and wide in the rear with a strong medial suspensory ligament, ideally placed plum teats coupled with a long smoothly blended fore. Not only is her udder ideal for type she’s also very productive too! We really like Vega’s front end assembly, she’s tight and sharp though the shoulder with ideal placement of her front legs. Vega is also a deep bodied doe with good spring of rib. We were surprised and delighted when Vega was named 2018 West National Champion. While we appreciate Vega’s overall correctness and high placing show wins this year we feel another year or perhaps even two Vega will have a more balanced look to her. She is a hard doe to photograph and after trying all summer the one above is the best one we got. We feel this photo doesn’t do this doe justice but it does show some of her strengths well.
DHI 1-01-245-694-2.6%-3.0% DHI 2-00-214-1041-2.6%-3.0% in progress-projection:1257 kg’s
Date Of Birth: March 13th, 2016
SS: SG Willow-Brook Designer R Lauren *+B
Sire: Rocky-Run LCDRL Cavalier *S EX94
SD: SGCH Rocky-Run Rogue’s Cupid 5*M EX92
DS: Tradewinds TRM Valor VG88
Dam: GCH Givernay Valencia 3*P EX90
DD: GCH Givernay By Invitation Only 2*P 2*M 3EX92