Grasshill Hero Nightbeat EX90

Nightbeat is another deep pedigreed buck from Grasshill. There is a tremendous amount of milk in this pedigree which made him of particular interest to us. Also, while he’s not a complete outcross for us he does bring some different lines which gives us a wider range of usage options.
Nightbeat offers many traits which we admire, particularly his tremendously powerful frame, which we feel will compliment some of our more dairy type does well. Additionally we love his overall depth and spring through out. We also really like his sharp and smooth shoulder assembly, long flat rump and the shape and levelness to his feet.
Date Of Birth: June 22nd, 2019
SS: Grasshill Discovery Dividends *S
Sire: Grasshill Dividends Hero *S
SD: Grasshill Sweet Clover Honey *P VG88
DS: Grasshill Sheik Warranty *S VG88
Dam: Grasshill Warranty Night Song
DD: Grasshill L Nightsong *P EX93