Grasshill Navigator Disco *S EX90

We’ve used several bucks from Grasshill in the past and have been very pleased with the results. When it was time to add another buck to our sire lineup it seemed logical to continue working with these genetics.
Disco is a really neat buck for me as genetically he combines several family lines we’ve used separately and like very much, Disco, however, is the first buck we’ve used with all of them packaged together. His phenotype is exactly what I expected from all these families combined. He’s a powerful buck, who really boasts dairy strength; he has a long flat bone pattern, a sharp clean shoulder assembly and has tremendous depth and width throughout. There is so much I love about this buck, we’re excited to see fresh daughters from him in the spring of 2024.
SS: Grasshill Night Prince Sheik EX94
Sire: Grashill Sheik Navigator EX90
SD: Grasshill C Natalie EX90 *P
DS: Grasshill Dynamo Titan *S
Dam: Grashill Titan CD VG88 *P
DD: Grasshill Paramour Dee *P