GCH Givernay Sweet Citrus 5*P EX90 EEEE 4-04

Saanen Dairy Goat
Citrus really likes to throw me for a loop…despite several attempts to get her in kid in the fall of 2015 and into the winter of 2016 she had other plans… so Citrus didn’t technically freshen in 2016. I opted to dry her off and figured the rest may help her “sort her self out”. When the other does started freshening Citrus started coming into milk! not because she was pregnant…. but because….??? so I started milking her twice a day. She worked her way up to 4 kg’s a day and has been holding strong around 3.5 kg’s per day. She’s carrying more flesh than we’d like but it’s slowly coming off.
Citrus has one of the most correct mammary systems in the barn. Her overall attachment is seamless coupled with beautiful texture and near perfect teat placement.
Citrus is a really strong general appearance doe. She stands on a very correct set of feet and legs, has a beautiful rump and an ideal shoulder assembly.
We were pleased with Citrus’s production as a two year old. She didn’t peak as high as some of her herd mates but she is consistent overtime.
Citrus made the trip to nationals with her pen mates in 2015 and we were so excited when she was named 2015 West National Reserve Grand Champion!
We’re really hoping Citrus will produce kids in 2017!
4-01-99-285-3.3%-3.2%- in progress- projection: 722 kg’s *psudo lactation
Date Of Birth: March 9th, 2012
SS: Singing-Spruce Vermillion Sun ++*B LA87
Sire: Singing-Spruce Sun Ptolemy *S EX94
SD: Singing-Spruce RL Ptingles 2*M
DS: Ran-Cher-Acres Intense Indio *S EX
Dam: Birchwood RAI Khandi 4*P VG88
DD: Birchwood Classic Juliette 3*P VG87